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Move In Spring 2025

We are just as excited as you are to be moving onto campus for the upcoming spring semester. Let's review how the move in process will work for Spring.  Please continue to monitor this page for updates.

Did not live on campus in the Fall

Are you a new resident (starting at Sonoma State this Spring or was not living on campus for Fall)?  Please arrive on Friday, January 17, 2025.

This check-in experience is for those students who are new to the university (incoming Freshmen or Transfer students) or have been living off campus during the Fall semester.  If you identify as this student type, you will check in on Friday, January 17 at the REACH Office located on the 3rd floor of the Student Center. Check in is between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.  *We are not able to accept early arrival requests.

Current SSU Students who lived on campus in the Fall

Your Seawolf ID card is NOT active for Spring 2025 and you will not be able to access your space until you activate it. You will be able to check in on January 17.  REACH has designated three (3) locations on campus for check in between 9:00am - 4:00 pm

  • Verdot & Sauvignon Residents will be able to pick up a temporary card (good until February 3) or get their Seawolf ID card encoded for the semester at the REACH Main Office on the 3rd floor of the Student Center. Closet parking would be "D Lot" by the Student Center or, students can park in an available space near the apartment in Sauvignon. 
  • Beaujolais and Tuscany Residents will be able to pick up a temporary card (good until February 3) or get their Seawolf ID card encoded for the semester at the Beaujolais Meeting room located in between Beaujolais Village and Tuscany Village (close to the fountain). We would recommend parking near your building in an available space and then walking to the middle of Beaujolais Village and Tuscany Village to the Beaujolais Meeting room.

Are you a REGISTERED Winter Break/Intersession Resident?

Your Seawolf ID card is NOT active for Spring 2025 and you will not be able to access your space until you activate it. Visit the REACH Office during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday) to activate your ID card.  Please see information about Housing Over the Breaks for additional information.

*The office is NOT open on the weekends.

Are you a resident who HAS NOT registered for Winter Break/Intersession?

Your Seawolf ID card is NOT active for Spring 2025 and you will not be able to access your space until you activate it. If you need to return earlier than January 17, please complete the Winter Break registration online through your Housing Portal. You will be sent a confirmation email along with instructions on how to access your residence. Please see information about Housing Over the Breaks for additional information.

Are you a resident who received approval from REACH to change rooms? 

On your scheduled move in day, visit the REACH Office during Check-In Hours (see below) to activate your Seawolf ID card and receive Move-In materials.

Dining Venues On Campus

Below are the hours of operation for dining venues on campus during the spring move-in. For more information, please be sure to visit Culinary Services webpage. If you have a meal plan, it will start working at 9 a.m. on Saturday, January 18, 2025, so please plan accordingly.

*all First Year First Time Freshmen are required to be on a meal plan. Sophomore and above students can purchase a meal plan through their SSU Online Services. Please see Culinary Services' webpage Meal Plans for additional information. 

Additional Information

Cabernet, Sauvignon, and Verdot Villages: 

On Call RA Cab/Sauv/Verdot Phone #1 - (707) 696-2269

On Call RA Cab/Sauv/Verdot Phone #2 - (707) 696-2173

Beaujolais Village

On Call RA Beau Phone #1 - (707) 529-8118

On Call RA Beau Phone #2 - (707) 696-2608

Tuscany Village

On Call RA Tuscany Phone #1 - (707) 236-2188

On Call RA Tuscany Phone #2 - (707) 228-8084

If you have a vacant space in your residence, please make sure that space remains empty and clean, as you may receive a new roommate. More importantly, please welcome new roommates with kindness and help them feel welcome. 

Weather conditions during move-in can vary this time of year. We recommend checking the weather before you arrive and plan accordingly.

Moving in during our office hours will allow us to provide you and your family the easiest, quickest, and safest way to move your belongings into your suite or apartment. Residents who arrive outside of our office hours will experience a delay at check in.

Follow this process to speed up your move. See the Move In directions to the REACH Office. 

  • Prior to arrival, log into your Housing Portal to view your room assignment and PIN code.
  • Park in the residential parking lot between Verdot Village and Zinfandel Village.
  • Follow the check in signage directing you to the REACH Office to check-in. 
  • Receive a temporary key to your residence (good for 2 weeks). Residents who have their current SSU ID card can get their ID card encoded for the residence. 
  • Drive to your village to unload your belongings. 

  • We are encouraging student to NOT park close to the village for longer than 15 minutes in order to allow incoming residents the ability to temporarily unload belongings
  • Move the vehicle to a location away from the village for long term parking.
  • We are unable to provide moving cards and encourage students to bring dollies or hand trucks from home (if available) to assist with moving.
  • Do not leave your vehicle unattended.

Your student ID card will be your “key” to your residence.  The front door requires dual authentication (swipe with ID card and enter the issued PIN Code followed by “#”). You will need the Door PIN code (available on the Housing Portal 2 weeks prior to arrival) to access the front door of your apartment as well. Your PIN code is a random number generated by our key system and cannot be changed. Store your PIN code in a safe place and do not share with others. PIN codes cannot be given out over the phone. 

If you do not have a valid ID card, you have been issued a temp card until you obtain your SSU ID Card – which can be done through Seawolf Service Center located in Salazar Hall.  Temporary cards issued at check-in are valid until February 1.  You will need to transfer your room information from the temp card to your SSU ID BEFORE then. View how to use the electronic lock.

You will receive an email at your SSU account welcoming you to the Residential Community and containing a link for our Room Condition form. Please take a few minutes to look around your room before unpacking and complete the online form. If there are any maintenance issues (maintenance or custodial), please submit a work order as well as noting it on the Room Condition form. 

Please bring empty boxes and trash to the large dumpsters located in the parking lots.  The small litter receptacles are intended for litter only – not room trash & recycling. 

Visit the what to bring and what to leave at home webpage. 

It's always good to be prepared: Emergency Kit Basics.

Every resident is assigned an on-campus mailing address with a specific mailbox number.


Your mailing address:

<First Name> <Last Name>

1701 East Cotati Ave. # <box>

Rohnert Park, CA  94928

*your box number was provided on your Housing Portal with you room assignment.


Packages will be available for pick-up at the Zinfandel Service Desk located in Zinfandel Hall. See our mail and packages resource webpage for more information.

Living on campus allows you to connect directly to the campus network and internet from your residence.  Wireless networking is available in all buildings of the Residential Community.  Please see IT’s student get started website for further information. 

Residents receive XFINITY On Campus which allows residents to stream live TV and XFINITY On Demand wireless through laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Xfinity On Campus supports watching live TV, DVR, and On Demand content via a Roku XFINITY Stream beta channel. Residents will sign in using their SSU username and password to gain access to their favorite programming and thousands of On Demand shows and movies.

Visit this website for additional information on XFINITY TV.

There are multiple laundry facilities located in the residential community.  There is no charge for residents to use the laundry rooms. Locations: 

  • Verdot Village - next to Chenin Blanc near the parking lot in the Sangiovese Building
  • Sauvignon Village - in Colombard and Grenache Buildings
  • Beaujolais Village - in Alsace and Medoc buildings
  • Tuscany Village - In Piemonte and Trentino buildings

As soon as the semester begins, your SSU ID Card will also function as your meal access card if you have a meal plan.  Experience various flavors, quality food, and beverages at our dining locations. Whether you are in the mood for signature coffee featuring Starbucks classics, Mongolian-style BBQ, street tacos, or just some classic American favorites, you will find what you’re looking for!   You'll also be able to order your favorites from the Grubhub campus mobile app when venues open.  Prior to classes beginning, you can dine on campus at SIP, Lobos or GrubHub which accept cash or credit/debt cards. For more information about what is open and meal plans, please visit the Culinary Services website. 

What is the difference between Dining Dollars and Wolfbucks?

Dining Dollars

The meal plan includes a designated amount of a declining balance credit for each semester called Dining Dollars. Dining Dollars can be used at any dining location on campus. When making a food purchase, simply present your Seawolf ID Card to the cashier and let them know you would like to pay with Dining Dollars. The amount of your purchase is then deducted from your Dining Dollar balance.


The WolfBucks program is a debit-based card system that virtually eliminates the need to carry cash on campus! Simply deposit funds into your account, and enjoy the convenience of being able to make purchases at participating locations by swiping your Seawolf I.D. card!

Our campus bookstore is the provider of the largest selection of low-priced rental, digital, and used textbooks.  They price-match their textbooks with Amazon and Drop in to purchase authentic SSU gear from the University Store and pick up a snack or drink.  Wolfbucks can be used to purchase anything in the store except gift cards. The University Store is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. For more information, visit the University Store website. The University Store is located in the Student Center on the second floor.