Summer 2025 Student Housing
Summer Housing 2025 applications will open in late March. Summer Housing for 2025 will be located in Beaujolais Village. Beaujolais Village is apartment style housing that offers 4 single bedrooms each with a private bathroom. The price per night for a single room is $40. Please read the following information carefully. If you have any further questions, please email us at or by phone at (707) 664-2541 (dial 711 for Relay Service).
Getting Started
Are you eligible for Summer Housing? You must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- SSU student continuing from spring semester to fall semester
- Recent spring semester graduate
- Enrolled in summer classes at SSU
- Current SSU student employee with a department on campus
What are the Summer Housing dates?
Summer housing runs from May 23 through July 21, 2025. Spring 2025 residents who currently live on campus are eligible to start their stay May 17 and live in their Spring assignment until their Summer assignment is available. Students who start their stay May 17 MUST be prepared to move to their Summer accommodation Memorial Day weekend, starting May 23, 2025.
Based on the summer class schedule posted by Extended Education, eligible students will need to contract for one of the following dates options. We have limited availability for those wanting to start May 23. If we are unable to accommodate you with a May 23 start date, we will be able to accommodate a move in of June 2 (rent fees will be prorated).
Arrival | Departure | Nights | Single Bedroom Rate |
5/17/2025* | 6/23/2025 | 37 | $1,480 |
5/17/2025* | 7/21/2025 | 65 | $2,600 |
5/17/2025* | 8/14/2025** | 89 | $3,560 |
5/23/2025 | 6/23/2025 | 31 | $1,240 |
5/23/2025 | 7/21/2025 | 59 | $2,360 |
5/23/2025 | 8/14/2025** | 83 | $3,320 |
6/20/2025 | 7/21/2025 | 31 | $1,240 |
6/20/2025 | 8/14/2025** | 55 | $2,200 |
7/18/2025 | 8/14/2025** | 27 | $1,080 |
*These sessions are only available to students who lived on campus through May 17 with Spring 2025 housing assignments. Students choosing these sessions must be prepared to move to their summer accommodation during Memorial Day weekend, starting May 23, 2025.
**These dates are only available to students with Fall 2025 housing assignments.
Applying for Summer Housing
To apply to live on campus during the summer months, please log into the Housing Portal and click on Summer Housing Application starting in late March. If you experience any difficulty in accessing the Housing Portal, please contact the REACH Office at 707-664-2541 or by email at Complete the Summer Housing License Agreement and select the session you prefer to participate in. Applications will be open until noon on April 30, 2025.
You will receive your Summer Housing room assignment by May 14, 2025.
Policies and Regulations
All Housing Policies and Regulations are in effect for the summer. We encourage all students to review this material before submitting your housing license agreement. In signing and submitting a Summer Housing License Agreement, you agree to abide by these policies and regulations.
The REACH Office worked out the dates for the best possible schedule that is compatible with the summer school schedule. The dates are not negotiable. You may sign up for a later date and leave early, but you will not be refunded the difference of days.
To live on campus for the summer, you need to meet one of the following criteria:
- Taking summer classes (online or in-person, for any session, with any number of credits).
- Working or have an internship on campus.
- Be enrolled as a Sonoma State student for the Fall 2025 term.
- Recent Spring semester graduate
At this point we anticipate minimal lease extensions. Please contact our office as soon as you believe you may need to request an extension.
We understand that plans can change and you may no longer need to live on campus during the summer months. Students may cancel their upcoming Summer application/assignment through the Housing Cancellation Survey, found on the Housing Portal. Please complete the survey at least 30 days prior to your move-in date. Cancellations received after April 30 or less than 30 days from the scheduled move-in date will be charged $250 for not providing a 30 day notice. Students who move in and then cancel will have their summer rent fees prorated.
By submitting a signed Summer Housing License Agreement, you agree to have the total amount due posted to your student account. Charges will be posted to your account once eligibility and availability have been verified. At that time, payments can be submitted online.
When filling out your Summer Housing License Agreement, opt 'yes' to receive information about our available payment plans.
Summer Room Assignments are made following the April 30 deadline and once contracting is complete. We cannot assign rooms prior to this. Expect this information to be sent via email no sooner than May 14.
All apartments have four single bedrooms with private bath.
Room assignments are made based upon similar term dates. If you sign up for May 17 to August 14 and your requested roommate has signed up for June 20 to July 21, you probably will not be assigned to the same apartment.
Due to the short length of the summer and the limited number of summer residents, changes are not easily accommodated. Unauthorized changes shall result in additional charges for the room that has been moved into as well as the potential inability to contract with REACH to live on campus in the future.
All Summer Housing residents will be placed in the Alsace building in Beaujolais Village. Even if you are currently living in this building, you will be moving so that the maintenance and cleaning crews can refurbish your accommodation.
If you sign up to stay starting on May 17 and are currently living on campus, you will be staying in your current room until your summer assignment is ready. We anticipate this occurring on or around 3:00 p.m. on May 23. This week is used to clean and refurbish apartments prior to occupancy. Please make plans accordingly because you will need to be present to move and be vacated from your Spring room by 11:00 a.m. on May 26 so that we can prepare your room for summer use.
If you sign up to stay through to Fall, you will move from your Summer room to your Fall room. Typically, this would occur the last week of July or the first week of August. When your Fall room becomes available, you will have 48 hours to move out of your Summer room to your Fall room. As such, you are expected to be on campus during that time frame to facilitate this move. The potential exceptions to this would be those individuals who would be moving into rooms currently being occupied by other Summer Housing students, thus delaying the move so that the apartment can be cleaned prior to your moving in.
Summer Housing students may pick up their mail or packages at the student mailroom in Zinfandel Village. The student mailroom is open in the summer Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., barring holidays.
Students should address their mail as:
First and Last Name (as it was provided - no nicknames)
1701 E. Cotati Avenue
ATTN: Summer Resident
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
The REACH Office will use email as the primary source of contact regarding Summer Housing. You will also receive all information about your Summer Housing through email. The REACH email address is: